Design and web development
I work with non profits and organizations committed to improving the world.
graphic design & web development for people & places doing things that matter
I work with non profits and organizations committed to improving the world.
Have I told you lately that I love you?
Jennefer Laidley ~ Income Security Advocacy Centre
You rock. It’s true. Nikki and I talk about it all the time. You’ve been, and are, a great member of the campaign team.
Gail Picco ~ Women’s Habitat
You have nailed what I want exactly – this is why you are the best web tech person I have worked with.
Jerry DeQuetteville ~ ETFO
It’s a work of art Chad – you really did a great job!
Brian Davis ~ Houselink
Your sense of what is necessary – and what is not necessary – kept the project in perspective and on track.
Sandie Orlando ~ Barefooters
Having worked with 3 different web folks, it was a pleasure to work and learn from you. Thank you again.
Eli Cadesky ~ World Famous
You were helpful and able to translate “geek-speak” for us, the technologically impaired.
Katie Daly ~ Pueblito Canada
Chad Mohr 244 Sterling Rd. Toronto, Ontario M6R 2B9 +1 (416) 729-8438